How to add facebook Likebox to your blogger blog ?

Facebook like bok
Social media is growing day by day and Facebook is among the top of all. Facebook is now becoming basic necessity of every day life. Majority of facebook users view their profile more then once a day. So you could imagine the amount of traffic you can generate to your blog from facebook. In this post i will show you how to add facebook like box widget to your blog. This widget will help your visitor to like your facebook page from within your blog. The more amount of your facebook page like, more is the traffic you will generate. Check out my Facebook Page and dont forget to like. So lets get started learning how to add facebook like box to your blog.

Step 1:

Go to Facebook Social plugin and add you facebook page url (If you don't have Facebook Fan page then go here and Create One) Then uncheck Show stream andShow Header. Leave everything else as it is.This widget comes in two colour black and white choose it from the Color Scheme depending on your blog template. After doing all the above setting click on Get Code.

Step 2:

After clicking on Get code you will see a pop up box as shown below. This pop up box will contain codes for HTML5, XFBML, IFRAME and URL. From that you click on IFRAMEand copy the code that is generated in the pop up box.

facebook widget

Step 3: 

Now go to your blogger dashboard and click on blogger layout. Then click on add gadgetwhere you want your widget to appear on your blog. Then a popup box will appear from that choose HTML/Javacript. Then a new pop up box will appear Leave title of that widget blank and paste the code we copied in step 2 in the content area of that box and click save.
blogger widget

Now you will have facebook like box widget on your blog like i have on right sidebar of my blog. If you get stuck at any point or have any problem adding facebook widget to your blog leave a comment below.

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